Friday, March 4, 2011

Abokobi, Ghana....

had some INCREDIBLE views! Abokobi rural bank was in deed a RURAL rural bank. As I walked along the dirt paths, I was surrounded by brilliant greenery for miles, goats and cattle grazing next to small shops, and amazing views of the hills and mountains in Ghana. For the most part, this was my first chance to see any rural part of Ghana. I use the term rural because for the most part--Abokobi doesn't differ from other areas closer to the Central Accra region. Although it is a little more isolated, the children speak proper British English, where there uniforms and quaint shops line the street. Abokobi has a refreshingly calm pace. One that I desperately needed. I lovee walking along the dirt paths climbing small hills to get a better view of the scenery. A large mango tree provided some relief from the hot African sun while walking through Abokobi. Ahhh precious mangos... I love the trees AND the delicious fruit it bears. :-) . Abokobi is one of the hidden treasures of the greater Accra Region. I NEED to head back to the rural bank... hopefully that great rural escape will be sooner than later.

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